Character name:svenné
Character class:warrior
-Character level:70 warrior, 70 paladin
-Your RL age:
-Where are you from? And which language do you speak?:
sweden, speaks swedish
and good english
-Character spec: 35/23/3
-Proffessions and level:
but working on it.
-Armory profile:
-Guild History: quantum .. i stoped playing wow cose i had much school at the moment
-Our Raid times usually are from 19:30 to 23:30.
-Please tell us, which days your able to raid:
Monday: yes
Tuesday: yes
Wednesday: no
Thursday: yes
Friday: yes
Saturday: yes
Sunday: yes
-You must have the following quest complete:
Karazhan Pre-quest done.
its done in short
-Do you have any previous raid experience?ofc i raided much in quantum bwl, aq 20, zg and mc
-Your PC must be able to run 25 player raids, and have a reliable internet connection.
its cool
-Why you would like to join:i wanna raid , and your guild seems nice . talked to a few in the guild
We hope to see you soon,
All members of Not Amused